Look what I found in my daughters yard. This was the only one in bloom but there were lots of plants with buds.
We watched the birds and squirrels at the feeders. That is a squirrel in the wood feeder and a bird of some type on the red feeder. They have tons of birds and squirrels at their house. I told Harley Guy he needed a bird book and binoculars. It would be nice to have a camera with a great zoom.
We went to the Cowboy Hall of Fame. Loved every minute of it.
We had a great time there. We spent all afternoon looking at painting, sculptures, guns, saddles, native American artifacts. They have tons of things, most are priceless. We didn't get to see the whole museum because they announced closing time, darn it. We did get our exercise that afternoon. Doesn't that look just like a real cowboy leaning against the doorway with his dog.
Beautiful paintings, this was one of my favorites.
Of course The Duke was there.
How can you have a cowboy hall of fame without the Duke! Not a good picture but you can tell it is him. I always loved his movies.
As I said a good time was had by all. I thank my daughter and son in law for keeping us busy and helping my husband to relax. He really need that great weekend. We ate very well. My daughter is a fantastic cook and she kept us well fed.
Until next time.