Friday, March 27, 2009

March Blizzard!

It has been snowing since about 9 am. When I left work at noon you could only see about a block. The snow is coming down sideways. The wind is terrible. The courthouse was closed at noon today because of the weather. The Courthouse NEVER closes on a regular work day. I'm sure glad it did.

Here are a few pictures I have taken of the mess.

Some of these are looking out my back door and some out of my front windows. Unlike my daughter I did not go out side to take pictures.

The was snow plastered against my patio door.
The photo shows the snow better. The black wrapped thing is the grill.

Through the front windows

Poor little birds are cold!

The woodpecker is waiting for the ugly black colored bird to get off of his suet.

Finally he can get a little food before the bully birds show up.

Now the squirrel is going to get in on the act.

View through the patio door. And the storm still rages.


Shawn said...

Chicken! LOL...gonna let a little thing like freezing temperatures and sideways snow keep you from proper blogging! What a wuss!

brneyedgal967 said...

Wow - the perfect first post of your spring time template.... lol.

Yes - the poor little birdies... they just look so cold.

Snooty Primadona said...

I feel your cold, believe me. We didn't get the snow here, but we did get the freezing temps. Last week I put out the hummybird feeder & this morning I saw my first one in spite of the freezing temps. It must not be too cold for the birdies because they are all chirping & singing away today.

Hopefully, this will be our last freeze and your's....